More than a week ago my husband and I decided to do our own
again. Living in
makes it easy to just go out and eat. It is more convenient, and saves time, money and effort. So we did just that for ages now. But then a couple of weeks ago, while eating lunch bought from the cafeteria, I smelled something from the food we bought. It seemed that the oil used for frying is not a new or fresh one. I could smell it. I wanted to spit the food out. I was eating alone at that time. Later in the afternoon I told my husband about it and we agreed that we better cook our own food. It would take a lot of our 'free time' to go to the supermarket and cook. We have established a routine now. When we arrive from work in the evenings, we would prepare our food for lunch the next day. Just like when we were in the
. Then the remaining food we keep for dinner. So far we have done this last week, for 5 days. Below are the meals I cooked:
Friday -Stir fried kwangtung leaves and carrots with S&P Italian sausage
Monday - Spaghetti with tuna and mayonnaise
Tuesday - Pork adobo with carrots (dry)
Wednesday - Chicken adobo with brocolli (with sauce)
Thursday - Bitter gourd omelet with corned beef
Friday - Stir fried kwangtung and grilled chicken with black pepper
I took note of them so that I could cook them again. I asked my husband what else he wants to eat and he replied: pinakbet and sinigang. I have never cooked pinakbet the Ilocano way (served in Pinoy parties) but I can find the recipe and try it. I have my own list as well, which includes pesto spaghetti (as per my BFF Lalaine's recipe), sweet and sour fish, & other stir fried menus.
So far we have survived eating our food without heating them by also bringing cup soup so at least there is something hot. Also we have a small bottle of
chilli powder

with fish flavour to get that spicy taste! It is very appetizing.