Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Honey oatmeal bread

Today I found the bread oven transformer, so I got to work with my bread oven. However, I could not find the recipe book. It might still be in one of the unpacked boxes when I moved from the campus to our condo last year. Anyway, I found 2 recipes from my recipe envelop. One calls for sugar and I do not have sugar at this time, I forgot to buy. But the other calls for honey and that I have. So now my honey oat bread is in the bread oven. It is nearly 1 hour and it will take another 1 hour and 15 minutes. I modified it a bit by adding some sesame seeds. I will see what the result will be. Also for the low fat milk, I do not have the powdered one so I used the liquid milk. I hope the bread will not be too wet. It's the first time for me to use this particular recipe. Hmmm I have to get used to it. And I have to look for that recipe book of mine where I have already done nearly all the recipes so I know the 'secret'. You see, sometimes the recipe needs some adjustment because of differences in elevation, humidity, temperature and the like. And since this bread oven and the recipes were designed for the US, using it here in Asia needs some adjustments. I will report later on the results!

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